TGA DSC Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer (STA) Compare 3 Companies

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Thermal Analysis System HP DSC 2+: The Right Choice for High Pressure Applications. The HP DSC combines the latest DSC innovation with the advantage of high pressure. Increased pressure is a factor that influences all physical changes and chemical reactions in which a change in volume occurs. For material testing, process...
Learn more about Thermal Analysis System HP DSC 2+

Setsys Evolution DTA/DSC/T: Widest temperature range on the market (ambient to 2400°C). Modularity: interchangeable DTA, DSC, TGA and TMA modules can used with the same basic structure. Measurement performance: satisfying unique resolution, accuracy and sensitivity criteria. SETSYS Evolution is the state-of-the-art...
Learn more about Setsys Evolution DTA/DSC/T