Nanoscience Instruments

10008 South 51st Street, Suite 110
Phoenix, AZ 85044

About Nanoscience Instruments

Nanoscience Instruments combines expertise in microscopy and surface science instrumentation with real-world solutions. We partner with innovative instrument manufacturers around the world to help scientists and engineers solve complex problems leading to break-through innovations. Our diverse instrument portfolio includes Scanning Electron Microscopes, Electrospinning Equipment, QCM-D, Contact Angle Meters, Ion Mills, Cathodoluminescence, Nanoparticle Generators, and TEM accessories such as CryoEM Sample Prep, Sample Holders, and Detectors.

Competitors of Nanoscience Instruments

Bruker AXS LLC

Bruker AXS designs and manufactures analytical instruments for elemental analysis, materials research, and structural and surface investigations. Our innovative solutions enable a wide range of customers in heavy industry, chemistry, pharmacy, semiconductor, solar, life science, nanotechnology... Read More