Chromatography Research Supplies, Inc.

2601 Technology Drive
Louisville, KY 40299

About Chromatography Research Supplies, Inc.

CRS has over 25 years of experience manufacturing high-quality GC supplies. We are a leading manufacturer of electronic and manual crimping tools, gas filters, ferrules, and injection port septa. CRS also provides sample vials, caps and seals, and other GC accessories for sample injection and capillary GC columns. Our products are used in analytical laboratories worldwide, where they are known for quality, ease of use and high levels of support.

Competitors of Chromatography Research Supplies, Inc.

Phenomenex, Inc.

Phenomenex is a global technology leader committed to developing novel separation, purification and analytical chemistry solutions for the life sciences and related industries. Phenomenex’s core technologies include products for liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, sample preparation,... Read More

Quadrex Corporation

When it comes to GC capillary columns and consumables, we know you have many suppliers in the chromatography marketplace to choose from. Over the years those numbers have actually dwindled as the industry has experienced several mergers and acquisitions and even division shut-downs where some... Read More