Myron L Company

2450 Impala Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92010-7226

About Myron L Company

Myron L manufactures high performance, cost-effective water quality management tools. Our instrumentation makes it simple to measure, monitor and control Conductivity, Resistivity, TDS, pH, ORP, and Temperature. Innovative new field test kits feature conductometric titrations for rapid analysis of Hardness, Alkalinity and Saturation Index. Myron L's FCE Free Chlorine Equivalent function is a one-touch free chlorine measurement that reports ORP-based ppm free chlorine measurements digitally and requires no reagents or subjective interpretation of color change. Myron L handheld meters, monitor/controllers and NIST traceable solutions are available in numerous ranges for precise solution control across diverse applications. Our instruments are high quality, lab-accurate, cost-effective, low-maintenance, easy to use and built to last. Many have been in continuous use for over 40 years. We stand behind our products with unsurpassed technical support and service for the life of the product.

Competitors of Myron L Company

Bulbtronics Inc.

Bulbtronics is your competitive source for replacement bulbs and LED's for railroad and locomotive applications including: Ditch Lights, Railway Signal Lights, Train Lights, Locomotive Cab, Rough Service Lights, Warning Lights, Locomotive Headlights and Reading Lights. We have stock and have EMD... Read More

Hamamatsu Corp.

Fluke Corporation

Our customers count on us for rugged, reliable and accurate test instruments. We offer test, measurement and monitoring products and software that are used in electronic design, manufacturing, and network troubleshooting, as well as in electrical, industrial, medical, process and calibration... Read More